jed roberts 
Jed Roberts
My name is Jedediah Antony Roberts, but everyone just calls me Jed.  I've just turned 4 years old and actually I'm in bed now so my Dad's writing this for me.  I'm probably still awake because I lie awake ages after I'm put to bed.  My dad has no idea why.
I was born in Berkeley CA (lived in Hercules) but moved to Australia when I was 2 (live near Sydney now).  I lived without a name for two days until my parents decided on Jed.  Luke was up in the running as well so I guess I was destined to be associated with Jedis.  My dad liked Jed because he thought it was strong and manly.  He had heard it a few times - Jed Clampett of course - and he read about a teenager in Arizona (or New Mexico?) who committed suicide called Jed whose parents were working to prevent youth depression and the name stuck in his mind.  Then remembered his dad (my Papa) had been called Ged(Jed) by his family when he was little (short for Gerald, they were from Gloucestershire in England) and thought it could be a sort of family name without being a repeat.  But was afraid just Jed wasn't a "real" name so came up with Jedediah for the birth certificate and for when I'm in trouble.

So far I like my name just fine.  No"Jedster" or "Jedwick" for me yet, but sissy has tried Jeddywed a few times.  I look forward to checking in over the coming years to see how the rest of you Jeds are going.
Jed Roberts


